PEOPLE X Mitacs Professional Training Workshop on Networking Skills

Course Bundle: Networking skills
Part 1: Self-paced online pre-work: Advance your reach
Must be completed first, time length: 60-90min
Most jobs are filled by those who have a contact at the firm. Networking cannot be underestimated when looking for employment or advancing your career and potential. This course helps you polish and structure your online profile to make better connections, so that when a recruiter calls, you’re positioned for success.
Part 2: Instructor-led Session via Zoom: Building your project network map
Wednesday, March 29th, 2023; 1:00 – 3:30 pm EDT
In a competitive market, networking cannot be an afterthought. In this hands-on course you will plan and build your own project network map. You’ll also learn strategies for organizing contacts, filling gaps, and making new contacts.
Registration: FREE. Limited seats are offered on a first-come-first-serve basis. Use the enrollment code during registration. Please see detailed instructions here.