Call for abstract-LEADERS & PEOPLE 2020 Virtual Symposium

We warmly invited all highly qualified personnel (HQP) of the PEOPLE CREATE Program to participate in the LEADERS & PEOPLE 2020 Virtual Symposium: Water Management in a Changing Climate, August 31-September 1. The symposium is jointly hosted with the LEaders in wAter anD watERshed Sustainability (the LEADERS Program;, another NSERC CREATE program led by Queen’s University. All current and prospective students and postdoc fellows under the PEOPLE CREATE program are highly recommended to present their research related to (but not limited to) the following topics:
  • Persistent, emerging, and oil pollutants (PEOPs) monitoring, analysis, fate, and transport
  • PEOPs prevention, treatment, and remediation
  • Ecological impact, toxicological analysis, and risk management
  • Community health effects and technology transfer
Please submit your abstract through the following link by Friday, August 7th, 2020 ( If you have problems with submitting your abstract, please email
We look forward to your submissions and welcoming you to the LEADERS & PEOPLE 2020!

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